Do You Want to Get More Back From Your Giveaways?
Who’s interested in having a fun giveaway that allows you to update your database, bring new people into it, and generate tons of referrals all while having some fun with your clients? I know I always am, and today I’m sharing a great giveaway idea that I borrowed from my friend Ellie with Epik Home Group—a reverse twist on the Bold 100 that so many of us have heard of before. This version of the giveaway offers you a way to make the actual call-in day a little less stressful, and that’s because you and your team will be doing all the calling!
Here’s the big idea: Plan a giveaway that’s inspiring enough to make people want to sign up. Instead of calling people to get them registered, you’ll have them use a Google form to supply all of their pertinent information (name, address, phone number, and email address). On this form, they’ll also be asked if they can think of anyone who may need to buy or sell a home; if so, they’ll be entered into the giveaway twice. The sign-up form will also mention that, in order to confirm their registration, you’ll be calling them on X day, and the winner will be announced the following day on your Facebook page.
This approach gives folks ample time to register themselves (a couple of weeks for marketing time is great) and pass along the form. You can gather more information from people who have given you permission to call them. We had a blast using this giveaway technique, and though we only had a little more than a week of marketing time (next time we’ll give ourselves more time), we still saw phenomenal results! In the time that we advertised a fall front porch giveaway, we had 73 entries, added 17 people to our database, and generated 36 referrals! I’d say that’s a pretty amazing ratio. Furthermore, it was yet another simple way to have fun with our database!
I encourage you to figure out whether this is a plan you could create space for in your playbook. I’d love to hear how it goes if you do try it! As always, reach out to me via phone or email if ever you have any questions; I’m here to help.
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